Ok... New Post! I think I should rename my blog "5 Kids and a Golden Retriever" because that is my life in a nutshell. I have had so much fun with this blog, but then life happened.... and my blog didn't! I had two of my babies in this beautiful autumn month and so outside of canning and preserving some food for the winter, I have planned 4 birthday parties.... 2 family and 2 friend parties for each kid. Needless to say, I have spent endless hours in my kitchen and am in need of some time for me! In any event, here are 2 of the things I made that actually got photographed prior to being inhaled and turned into someones..... oh nevermind!
My 10 year old doesn't like cake, she love Reeces Peanut Butter Cups. So I found this decadent torte recipe in Dori Greenspans cookbook called BAKING. It was truly divine! This was my first attempt at a torte, however, and I did learn one thing.... Keep it refridgerated until you are ready to serve it. It was a little soft and although still magnifico, it would have been better cold! (And it would have cut better) My baby has now completely destroyed what was an organized computer desk... So, I'm off!

Mr. Swampy out of the Hello, Cupcakes book. Now, I am not a cake or cupcake decorator in any sense of the word. I bake and I cook and I do all sorts of things, but decorating is not my thing.... Disclaimer out of the way..... My son thought this was spectacular! It was easy and I used a cake mix and store bought frosting! If you want me to say how it is done...leave a comment, because I don't feel like typing it up right now!